Transition from Year 6

Your journey to joining us

As well as feeling excited about the move to secondary school, it is perfectly natural to feel a little nervous. Here at Fitzharrys, we do lots of things to make sure that you are happy and confident about joining your great new school.

The first event in our Transition calendar is Information Evening, where you will get to meet staff and students from other schools who will be moving up to Fitzharrys with you.

Next, our key transition staff will visit you at primary school, where we will get to know you and you can ask us any questions you may have. 

Later on in the year, you will come to Fitzharrys for Induction Day. You will: meet our staff and the other students in your form group; find out which of our four Houses you are in; familiarise yourself with the school site; and participate in a timetable of classes, giving you a taste of what learning at Fitzharrys will be like. Students bring their parents/carers back to Fitzharrys later that same day for Induction Evening, where you can share all you have done in the day.

Some of you will be able to visit us on further extra days to ensure you feel really confident about joining Fitzharrys.

All this means that, by the time September arrives, you will be feeling more confident and getting excited about joining us. We're very excited to meet you too, and can't wait to see you soon!

Transition Information & Resources

Key Dates

Wednesday 1st & Thursday 2nd May 2024, 6.30-7.30pm
Information Evenings

Wednesday 26th June 2024, 9am-3.05pm
Group 1: Induction Day 

Wednesday 26th June 2024, start time is now 6pm
Group 1: Induction Evening 

Wednesday 3rd July 2024, 9am-3.05pm
Group 2: Induction Day 

Wednesday 3rd July 2024, start time is now 6pm
Group 2: Induction Evening 

** REMEMBER - Enrolment forms and any other relevant forms should be completed and returned to us on your Induction Evening**

Thursday 1st August 2024
Price & Buckland uniform orders for home delivery - advised deadline

Wednesday 4th September 2024, First bell: 8.37am 
Start of term for Year 7

Transition Pack

Our Transition Pack contains all the documents and forms you need to get set for the September start. 

Hard copies of this Transition Pack are given out during our initial Information Evening events.

If you need spares, digital copies of all documents are available below.

Please return your completed enrolment form and any other relevant documents to Fitzharrys School at your Induction Evening.

* Please note, the start time of the Induction Evenings is now 6pm, not 6.30pm as originally stated in the Induction Pack letters. Sincere apologies for any inconvenience.

Year 7 Induction Pack letter (for Group 1)

Year 7 Induction Pack letter (for Group 2)

OCC Pupil Enrolment form

Transition to Year 7: Brief Guide for Parents booklet

Term Dates

Uniform & Equipment list

FSA Welcome letter

FSA 200 Club Registration form


Please read the Uniform and Equipment list included in the Transition Pack for full details on our uniform requirements: 

Uniform and Equipment list

Buying Uniform

With the exception of school ties which are sold direct from Fitzharrys, our uniform can be ordered online at any time from our suppliers Price & Buckland and delivered to your home address. Orders are usually dispatched to a personal address within 5 working days although times may be extended during the busier months (June-September). 

If it is more convenient for you to have your Price & Buckland purchases delivered to Fitzharrys School ahead of the September start, orders must be collected before the end of the school term - please note, it will not be possible to arrange collection from Fitzharrys during the summer holiday. Once you receive the notification email from Price and Buckland that your order has been dispatched, please contact the school office to arrange a suitable time for collection. For full details on how deliveries to school are organised, please read this information on Price & Buckland deliveries.

Price & Buckland schoolwear is created with the growing child in mind and for a comfortable fit. It is generous in size and durable. Please refer to their sizing information to ensure the right fit for your child.

Further details can be found on our Uniform webpage.

More information can be found on our Expectations webpage, including a suggested Equipment list.

School Ties and Lockers

We hold a stock of school ties that are available for purchase direct from our Student Services office here at Fitzharrys. They cost £7 each and you can order them via the Accounts tab in ParentMail once parent logins have been set up. Contact us to arrange collection. Please note: school ties are also available for buy at our new Year 7 Information Evenings and Induction Evenings.

You can also pay for locker hire via ParentMail.  Lockers are used to safely store belongings and are available to hire for £25 for a student's school career.  £2.50 will be repaid upon return of the locker key at the end of Year 11.  Refunds on locker hire are available if students leave the school before this time. 

Parents and carers new to the school will receive an email inviting you to register for ParentMail in due course.  Please note, this email will be sent to the email account you registered with County Council on your child's admission application.  After you have registered for ParentMail, you should be able to access the payment facility within the Accounts tab.

If you encounter any problems, please contact the school office team.

Second-hand Uniform

Fitzharrys' Student Services office holds a stock of second-hand uniform.  We aim to make this available at all Transition events wherever possible.  Alternatively, contact us if you are interested in purchasing items second-hand at any other time.